from February 2011 by subject

95% of webid is really easy. just the final 10% of RDF makes it hard

[foaf-protocols] Definition of WebID?

[foaf-protocols] non issue comments on webid IX draft

[foaf-protocols] privacy considerations: can a nosy https: site probe user identity without explicit permission?

[foaf-protocols] Self signed certs

[Fwd: [websec] Fwd: Do Not Track and W3C]

[keyassure] dane-04 trust anchors

[keyassure] publishing the public key

[woes] Background on JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

Account Management in Firefox 5

ACTION-3: Look into mercurial and how mercurial and git interact

ACTION-6: Move bugs form old github db to our web bug database

Agenda for WebID Teleconf, Monday February 21 2011

Agenda for WebID Teleconf, Monday February 7th 2011

an ontology for cybersecurity

Anonymity in the browser - was: nasty nasty bug in chrome

Apologies for WebID Teleconf, Monday February 7th 2011

Architecture and Use Cases

Basic WebID overview

browser change; little, nothing or a lot?

cab forum guide; multiple handshakes vs. signed XRD + DANE; Lampson joint authority: cloud providers and webids

Definition of WebID?

Documenting implicit assumptions?

firewalls and TLS and DNSsec was: Web Object Encryption and Signing (WOES) at IETF

Fwd: [woes] Background on JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

Fwd: Re: Documenting implicit assumptions?

German eID

gnutls SAN URI support RE: slow down and organize

Google's New two-legged AuthN

Homeless WebID spec on

How transportable are WebIDs ?

issue of initiating client auth for parallel SSL sessionids

Linked Data Book

Mercurial Repository available

minutes of Monday's teleconf are really up now

Minutes of the 2011-02-07 WebID XG meeting

minutes of todays teleconf

nasty nasty bug in chrome

On behalf of

openssh, etc and webid

Peter's wish protocol

position for telecon

privacy considerations: can a nosy https: site probe user identity without explicit permission?

Proposals for 1st WebID XG Face-To-Face meeting

qualified "reference" FYI

Question: User Story -- Bootstrapping Facebook


Self signed certs

slow down and organize

spec: 2 changes, UML sequence and protocol

SSL and IRC RE: using foaf/webid at W3C - Re: minutes of todays teleconf

step 6 spec, section 3.1

Terminology section added to WebID wiki

Turning every Web Server into a CA

Unable to participate in telco today

use of IAN for driving the birrel/lampson handoff rule; different semantics to the current IAN "issue" on the books

using foaf/webid at W3C - Re: minutes of todays teleconf

Web Object Encryption and Signing (WOES) at IETF

WebID prehistory

WebID Teleconf, Monday February 7th 2011

WebID-ISSUE-10 (bblfish): Hash URLs for Agents [ontologies]

WebID-ISSUE-18: Transfer Protocol Independence [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-19: x509v3 Independence and TLS Extensions [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-20: Portable and Hosted Certificates [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-21: Temporally Weak URI Ownership [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-22: Key Pair Revocation / WebID reset [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-23: Authorized Representations and Dereferencing a WebID URI [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-24: Privacy issues from WebID URI dereferencing [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-25 (bblfish): List of semweb related papers [research]

WebID-ISSUE-26: [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-27 (bblfish): track electronic IDentity (eID) initivatives [liaison with other groups]

WebID-ISSUE-28 (bblfish): How does the WebID protocol (foaf+ssl) interact with TLS proxies [User Interface/Browsers]

WebID-ISSUE-29 (prehistory): WebID prehistory [research]

WebID-ISSUE-30 (saml): What does WebID need to work with the SAML world? [liaison with other groups]

WebID-ISSUE-31 (webidOnSSH): WebID over SSH? [research]

WebID-ISSUE-32 (nodns_webid): URIs with IP addresses and security [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-33 (was [foaf-protocols] Webid Spec: Reference to the X.509 RFC 5280?)

WebID-ISSUE-33: Add a reference to the X.509 spec in the references sections [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-34: Create a security considerations section (was [foaf-protocols] Webid Spec: Security Considerations Section?)

WebID-ISSUE-34: Create a security considerations section [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-35: HTTP Status Codes [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-36: Change reference to RFC2818 to the html version [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-37: Should WebFinger be mentioned in the spec? [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-38: Differentiate between the identifying agent and the user operating the identifying agent [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-39: Simplify how public keys are expressed

WebID-ISSUE-40 (Glossary): A glossary of the preferred terms used for talking about the WebId architecture [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-41 (uses-cases): Identify Use Cases for WebId

WebID-ISSUE-42 (architecture): Describe the abstract WebId architecture

WebID-ISSUE-43 (email): Replace email verification with WebId [use cases]

WebID-ISSUE-44 (revolutionaries): Secure communication among revolutionaries [use cases]

WebID-ISSUE-45 (pgp-comparison): Compare WebId with PGP/GnuPG Web of Trust [research]

WebID-ISSUE-46: Signing the profile document [research]

WebID-ISSUE-47: WebID and ACLs [liaison with other groups]

WebID-ISSUE-48: Fighting spam with WebID [use cases]

WebID-ISSUE-49: Keep a list of implementations of WebId up to date [implementations]

WebID-ISSUE-5 (bblfish): Follow Work in publishing keys in DNSSEC

WebID-ISSUE-5 (dnssec): Follow Work in publishing keys in DNSSEC

WebID-ISSUE-50: WebID deployments

WebID-ISSUE-9 (bblfish): Develop WebID Test Suite [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE_22: Key Pair Revocation / WebID reset [WebID Spec]

working with the world, as it adapts to changes in the role of DNS

Last message date: Monday, 28 February 2011 18:33:36 UTC