Re: WebID-ISSUE-39: Simplify how public keys are expressed

On 16 Feb 2011, at 17:52, Peter Williams wrote:

> I relate this to the wot ontology which showed how to relate to a pgp signature file stream (in some unusual syntax related to asn1).
> Perhaps , very similarly, one can relate to a .CRT file with x509 signature (attached to a cert bearing a public key).

My conclusion from that debate was:
  - don't mix syntaxes. ASN.1 Stands for Abstract Syntax Notation. Why should one mix HTML or XML or JSON in with ASN.1 ?
  - stick to semantics. ASN.1 is syntax. our protocol is defined at the semantic level. We want to be syntax agnostic.
  - It's not that flexible. What happens when we start wanting to use Elliptic curve cryptography. Even the people in the DNSsec world are trying to get away from ASN.1 formats!

   That does not mean that ASN.1 has no place. A document encoded in an ASN.1 format is just another document. That is what ISSUE-6: "using ASN.1 formats for WebID description" is for.

> On Feb 16, 2011, at 6:24 AM, WebID Incubator Group Issue Tracker <> wrote:
>> WebID-ISSUE-39: Simplify how public keys are expressed
>> Raised by: Nathan Rixham
>> On product: 
>> Issue raised by Manu Sporny / Nathan at
>> Create a new mechanism to simply list public keys from a profile document to a certificate. More information can be found here:
>> and here:
>> and here:

Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 17:30:26 UTC