Re: WebID-ISSUE-47: WebID and ACLs [liaison with other groups]

On 22 February 2011 15:23, WebID Incubator Group Issue Tracker
<> wrote:
> WebID-ISSUE-47: WebID and ACLs [liaison with other groups]
> Raised by: Henry Story
> On product: liaison with other groups
> WebID deals with authentication. Authorization can be both discretionary, or its rules could be publicly, or semi-publicly available. This would be useful for server to know how to build web pages with links to external resources that may be visible to some but not to others.
> The W3C uses RDF ACL

I've just talked to Eric P. It seems RDF's not actively used in that
system currently...


> And
> There may be other groups that are working on this.

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2011 14:49:23 UTC