- From: Seth Russell <russell.seth@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 08:01:18 -0800
- To: WebID Incubator Group WG <public-xg-webid@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <AANLkTik2Wn-qUvK5-5360c08hH7KO2F59RWUjdTemCEU@mail.gmail.com>
Can i ask a question here even though i'm not a member of the working group? This may be covered in the new spec, but can't find it. My understanding is that WebID works because it ties "a User Agent to a URI by proving that one has write access to the URI". I can see how that works where the write access to the URI is provided by a single service, like for example foaf.me or openlinksw.com. But how does it work where a different service is asked to bind a different user agent to that *same* URI? For example can i get a URI and a certificate installed in my Firefox browser from foaf.me, and then on my iPod bind that same URI to the Safari of my pod? But let's suppose that the foar.me service can't bind the Safari in my iPod to that URI, but that openlinkssw.com can. Isn't that not a valid way that people will expect a transportable identity string to work for them? Has this been demonstrated to work? If this is not the proper place to ask this question, i apologize, and request redirection. Seth Russell Podcasting: tagtalking.net Facebook ing: facebook.com/russell.seth Twitter ing: twitter.com/SethRussell Blogging: fastblogit.com/seth/ Catalog selling: www.speaktomecatalog.com Google profile: google.com/profiles/russell.seth
Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 16:02:11 UTC