RE: WebID-ISSUE-28 (bblfish): How does the WebID protocol (foaf+ssl) interact with TLS proxies [User Interface/Browsers]

Here is an example


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Yngve N. Pettersen (Developer Opera Software ASA)
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2011 9:44 AM
To: WebID Incubator Group WG
Subject: Re: WebID-ISSUE-28 (bblfish): How does the WebID protocol
(foaf+ssl) interact with TLS proxies [User Interface/Browsers]

> C. Technical
>     How do TLS web proxies work? Which RFC are they based on?
>     How does it compare to tunnelling?

Assuming MITM proxy: They have to act like a normal TLS server, present a  
certificate that the client will accept, including a matching hostname for  
the origin server it is pretending to be. Normally these are generated on  
the fly by the proxy, signed by a local CA Root installed in the client.  
The MITM will usually process each HTTP request and response itself before  
passing it along to the intended recipient, perhaps modifying them before  
passing it on.

Received on Saturday, 12 February 2011 18:57:22 UTC