SMIL Timesheets and CURIE review
Re: several messages about content sniffing in HTML
- Re: several messages about content sniffing in HTML
- Re: several messages about content sniffing in HTML
Re: several messages about serialising HTML and related subjects
Type conversion in the Database API in 4.11
Re: Marking Up Poetry
Doctype usage data
Clarify what it means for the system identifier to be missing
Parsing: <applet>, scoping element or not
Trailing slash in doctype
Re: several messages about <section>, <p>, <hr>, and related subjects
- Re: several messages about <section>, <p>, <hr>, and related subjects
- Implicit sections (was: Re: several messages about <section>, <p>, <hr>, and related subjects)
Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Editorial: inline vs. text-level vs. phrasing (was: Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Marking Up Poetry (Was: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)
- Re: Marking Up Poetry (Was: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)
- Re: Marking Up Poetry (Was: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)
- Re: Marking Up Poetry (Was: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)
- Re: Marking Up Poetry (Was: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD)
- HTML WG telecon today cancelled
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
- Re: Conformance of DL Groups Missing DT or DD
Re: several messages about <ol>, <ul>, <dl>, and related subjects
- Editorial issues on <ol reversed> (was: Re: several messages about <ol>, <ul>, <dl>, and related subjects)
- Re: several messages about <ol>, <ul>, <dl>, and related subjects
Re: several messages about <figure> and related subjects
Suggested research item: Java applet embedding patterns
Re: several messages about <event-source> and related subjects
Re: several messages about <address> and related subjects
[WF2] HTMLFormElement.accept vs. function accept(){}
cite element not for people's names?
ISSUE-36 (client-side-storage-sql): Client side database storage SQL statement support [HTML 5 spec]
Protocol for submitting reviews of HTML5 recommendation?
- Re: Protocol for submitting reviews of HTML5 recommendation?
- Re: Protocol for submitting reviews of HTML5 recommendation?
SQL subset definition ( 4.11. Client-side database storage )
ISSUE-35 (aria-processing): Need to define processing requirements for aria states and properties when used in html [HTML 5 spec]
- Re: ISSUE-35 (aria-processing): Need to define processing requirements for aria states and properties when used in html [HTML 5 spec]
- Re: ISSUE-35 (aria-processing): Need to define processing requirements for aria states and properties when used in html [HTML 5 spec]
contradictory example of b
Re: Detailed review of 4.1. Browsing contexts and 4.3. Session history and navigation
ACTION-44 - HTML Issue Tracking
Tree construction: Ambiguity in "process the token as if the insertion mode was ..."
Forms TF Process
Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
Access Control for Cross-site Requests WD Published
acceptance: how
ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
- Re: ISSUE-34 (commonality): Can we get access to tools that determine how often markup is used on the web?
Re: Comments on drag and drop
Adoption agency terminology
Re: agenda: HTML WG weekly 14 Feb (Valentine's Day edition)
Re: let's keep metadata profiles (head/@profile) in HTML for use in GRDDL etc.
- Re: let's keep metadata profiles (head/@profile) in HTML for use in GRDDL etc.
[Reminder]: SMIL Timesheets 1.0 Last Call Transition Announcement
- Re: [Reminder]: SMIL Timesheets 1.0 Last Call Transition Announcement
- Re: [Reminder]: SMIL Timesheets 1.0 Last Call Transition Announcement
Re: Permitted slash not defined in terms of void elements (part of my detailed review of the tokenization section)
Re: meta refresh ( Pragma directives)
Draft W3C TAG Finding "Passwords in the Clear" available for review
IFRAME - @name should be allowed
Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- RE: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- RE: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- RE: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- RE: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
- Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")
proposals into HTML5
Visual-components support in HTML by default?
Re: DogFood
ISSUE-33 (ping-referer): spec requires non-compliant Referer header [HTML 5 spec]
Adoption agency in foster parented content
Review of the 3.16 section and the HTMLInputElement interface
[suggestion] priority for loading elements
<table><select><td> parsing
Parsing: <style> and <script> in <table>
Re: Detailed review of 4.11. Client-side persistent storage
Re: key/value-based storage comments
table model: Width of colgroup defined by col elements
Coalescing characters in Text nodes
ISSUE-32 (table-summary): Include a summary attribute for tables? [HTML 5 spec]
Retention of @summary for Table Element
ISSUE-31 (missing-alt): Should img without alt ever be conforming [HTML 5 spec]
Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
- Re: Investigate expected results to tests in collaboration with the IETF HTTP WG (ACTION-44)
Re: Request for PFWG WAI review of Omitting alt Attribute for Critical Content
Fw: Validation error frequencies
ISSUE-30 (longdesc): Should HTML 5 include a longdesc attribute for images [HTML 5 spec]
Emphasizing STRIKE
Re: HTML vs XHTML issue
Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary
- Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary
- Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary
- longdesc Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation...
- Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary
- Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary
- Integrating aria into HTML 5 [was: Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary]
- Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary
- Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary
- Re: Would the arai describedby property be a suitable replacement for or improvement on @longdesc?
- Re: Would the arai describedby property be a suitable replacement for or improvement on @longdesc?
- Re: Would the arai describedby property be a suitable replacement for or improvement on @longdesc?
server's initiative
Tree construction: In-body li/dd/dt element insertion
ping attribute (ISSUE-1, ISSUE-2)
Validation error frequencies in Alexa top 500 front pages
- Re: Validation error frequencies in Alexa top 500 front pages
- Re: Validation error frequencies in Alexa top 500 front pages
<canvas> origin-clean flag
Comments on "origin" (data: and image)
html validation error
Re: Canvas path transformations
Spaces in IRIs (was: Re: Validation error frequencies)
Re: [whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?
- Re: [whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?
- Re: [whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?
- Re: [whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?
- Re: [whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?
- Re: [whatwg] Referer header sent with <a ping>?
Suggested wording improvements for <i> and <b> sections
- Re: Suggested wording improvements for <i> and <b> sections
- Re: Suggested wording improvements for <i> and <b> sections
Meta charset syntax
- Re: several messages about handling encodings in HTML
- RE: BOM (several messages about handling encodings in HTML)
- RE: Unicode error handling (was several messages about handling encodings in HTML)
- RE: several messages about handling encodings in HTML
- Re: several messages about handling encodings in HTML
- Re: several messages about handling encodings in HTML
Re: several messages about radial gradients
Re: Canvas gradients should not be optional
Re: Review of 3.14.11. The canvas element
Re: The canvas element (detailed review)
Re: Validation error frequencies
- Re: Validation error frequencies
- Re: Validation error frequencies
- Re: Validation error frequencies
- Re: Validation error frequencies
- Re: Validation error frequencies