Re: Emphasizing STRIKE

gonchuki 08-02-07 19.29:   ­
> On Feb 7, 2008 4:02 PM, Leif Halvard Silli <> wrote:
> > gonchuki 08-02-07 16.27:   ­
> > > On Feb 7, 2008 1:04 PM, Leif Halvard Silli <> wrote:
> > > > Chasen Le Hara 08-02-07 07.19:   ­
> > > > > In Bugzilla, a reference to a bug that has been resolved is linked and
> > > > > stricken through
> [...] You must
> remember that a bug tracker counts as an open document under constant
> edition, and that "final documents" extracted from this "draft" won't
> contain even the same wording. An actual valid final document would
> have a "Known Issues/Bugs" section PLUS a change log citing solved
> bugs. None of these sections would contain either <del>, <ins> nor
> <strike> as you are on a final document.
I don't think you need to use <STRIKE> around each solved bug, on any 
page that Bugzilla spits out. This depends on what message the page is 
supposed to tell, and the context etc. Of course, if the header to a 
long list says 'resolved bugs', then it is just annoying to add STRIKE 
around each such bug. Emphasize, of any kind, is very context dependent.
leif halvard sili

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2008 18:48:16 UTC