Suggested research item: Java applet embedding patterns

The <applet> element is currently not in HTML5. Anecdotally, however,  
<applet> enjoys better cross-browser support than <object>.

Testing browser support for four embedding schemes would be useful in  
order to gather data to back a decision about whether <applet> should  
be in HTML5:
  * Java applet embedded using <applet>
  * Java applet embedded using <embed>
  * Java applet embedded using <object> with only attributes that  
HTML5 currently allows
  * Java applet embedded using <object> with ActiveX attributes

I'm not enough of an applet fan to test this myself, so I'm suggesting  
that someone who actually needs Java applets to work easily picks up  
the research item. :-)

Henri Sivonen

Received on Sunday, 24 February 2008 19:09:06 UTC