- From: Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <Dr.O.Hoffmann@gmx.de>
- Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 13:13:22 +0100
- To: public-html@w3.org
Philip Taylor wrote: > I'm reluctant to enter into this debate, yet > feel strangely compelled so to do. I would like > to ask Dr Hoffmann a few questions. > Dr Hoffman (n) > , do you believe that poetry should be intrinsically > supported by HTML 5 ? Yes, because it is some specific type of text and it is still called HyperTextMarkupLanguage, therefore this language is the right place to have at least a basic support for poetry, because it has already an advanced support for prose, sufficient for many prose applications. And as already discussed, HTML5 covers much more than just HyperText, but not only for historical reasons it should be still possible to markup text with this in a meaningful way and with basic functionalities. > And if so, would you > prefer that certain new, poetry-oriented, elements > be included in the HTML 5 language, or would you Yes, a few new elements would be the best lets call it the clean or theoretical approach - A poetry container similar to article, which is pretty useful to separate prose content already. Headings (h1-h6) can be reused for poetry. header, footer, address can be reused for poetry as well as phrase content, maybe even br might have some use, not very often, but because artists have always the tendency to break taboos, if it is excluded, it is already a good chance, that it would be abused ;o) section can be reused for poetry. dialog can be used for poetry (like Goethes Faust or Shakespears Macbeth for example) better than for prose, as currently specified. For prose content a similar element, maybe called conversation could be introduced, because it does not have any specific requirements as lines in poetry. A strophe container and a line container are required for the typical microstructure of poetry. > > prefer that some existing elements be overloaded ? > An alternative approach is not to overload existing elements, just to add an additional attribute to refine the meaning and interpretation of elements anyway already used for a similar or exactly that purpose in HTML4. The advantage here is already a basic backwards compatibility, for example if dl/dt/dd are used with an additional attribute for dl - even outdated browsers will still manage to present it as list like content, even if they ignore the additional attribute. I think, this is more the HTML5 design principle compatible approach, new elements are more a propper solution for a new language like XHTML2. > If you /do/ feel that poetry is a special case, > and deserves instrinsic support, do you also > feel that there are other special cases that > have not (yet) been addressed ? Yes, some are already mentioned in the proposal for a refined definition of dl/dt/dd. > Would you, > for example, like to see dramatic scripts > supported ? See above, could be already done with the reuse of already existing elements or new elements introduced in the current HTML5 drafts together with poetry micro structure. > Legal contracts ? I'm not an expert for this, this looks like prose content, this is typically already good covered with a basic support in HTML. But maybe an expert has to explore, if such documents have specific requirements on functionality. > Bus timetables ? This I used already often, more for tram line and underground light rail, but this should be quite similar for bus or plane. Lets explore this: It is table like prose content, therefore the table elements are a good approach to start with. Needs maybe additionally headings (h1-h6), caption, a container (table), summary, tr, th, td, some hyperlinking to comments maybe (often they are somewhere below the table to explain specific cases like X-mas, bank holiday behaviour etc). th and td are already pretty useful to separate data cells from each other, some accessibility tools are available too in HTML, this is pretty nice, because it is not always easy to understand such complex tables. > > Telephone directories ? I do not use them often, but what I have from the german telekom is mainly some prose content, maybe list like, dl/dt/dd could be a good approach too, it correlates names, addresses and phone numbers with a list like behaviour, not very complex at all, name+address separated from phone number, therefore a list maybe already sufficient, not really an application for a table, but this is maybe more complex in other countries. Using headings, section, phrase content etc covers this already pretty good, at least for such a piece of literature from the german telekom ;o) > Each of these seems > to me to be as worthy of intrinsic support as > poetry, yet there are (as far as I can tell) > no members of the HTML 5 Working Group > clammering for their inclusion. I think, they have to explain, if there is a specific requirement for these applications on basic functionality. If this is found, this might indicate, that there is a need to do something. From my analysis above I would say, the basic functionality is already available for several of them. > So the key question, > for me at least, is "what is it about poetry that > causes you to regard it as a special case ?" (assuming > that you do). It is not very special, not more than for example ordered lists, unordered list (by the way, I have never seen an unordered list on a computer yet, it is more a not numbered list, even sets, classes are typically somehow ordered on a computer), table, article, dialog, aside, etc. They all provide specific structures or functionalities, more than for example a div container. The same applies for such a group of elements like poetry, strophe, line. Compare with the group table, tr, th, td, thead, tfoot, tbody, they do provide a specific structure or functionality, this can be simulated too with div+CSS, but obviously it is helpful to have specific elements for this too, to get a simpler access to the meaning or structure and information of table like content. For example users having only aural presentation or tactile presentation (braille), it might be already a help, if a group of elements can be identified as a poem with strophes and lines. If we have for example a classical sonet (not the Shakespeare type), the user might advice after the first aural presentation: 'repeat title, third line of the third strophe and third line of the fourth strophe of the current piece of poetry' to analyse the quality or the content of the sonet in more detail. If such structures cannot be identified, it is a waste of time for the user to repeat the complete page containing maybe completely different prose content or maybe other poetry too. Additionally a user-agent may provide some advanced aural presentation for poetry content, taking into account more rhythm and timing related to the used language, if this is available or possible. If not, the user might be thankful to get at least informed, that this is not available - we all know, that it is typically a torture to get an aural presentation of poetry or songs from someone without any capabilities for aural presentations - the user might already skip the poetry, if it is already known, that it is always a torture to hear poetry in the used less advanced presenter, which is mainly pretty useful to present bus timetables and telephone directories ;o) Obviously this is no problem for visual presentation, typically the user has no problem to identify the poem, and the strophes somehow, if they are decorated with some margins and paddings. For visual presentation the user may have a problem sometimes to identify a line - because there was no sufficient space available to present one strophe line in one line, the user-agent had to break the line, therefore for visual presentation the user-agent may indent a line break within a strophe line to indicate the problem for example. Currently it does not, because it cannot identify a strophe line as a strophe line. It simply does not cover this simple requirement to present the micro structure of poetry content. > If you could explain this, it > might help those, like myself, who feel some sympathy > for your cause, yet who do not wish to see the > HTML 5 language either abused (by overloading > existing elements with new, unrelated, meanings) This would be the case if we start to have specific elements for Sonets, Ottava Rima, Elfchen (do not know the english word for it), Limerick, Haiku etc. This is somehow similar as to have specific elements for bus timetables, underground light rail, metro, tram line, planes. Typically the user will be able to identify this easily (not the user-agent), this is similar as to distinguish between a Sonet and a Haiku after the first presentation. If this is required, the author could simply provide a subtitle or this could be refined with some RDF(a) approach both for timetables and poem types, after the basic structure is already provided by (X)HTML. The RDF(a) approach already assumes, that there is no human mind at all to identify anything, therefore the information has to be very detailled. With some intellectual capabilities on the side of the user, a basic structure support like the group of table elements for timetables and that group for poetry are already very helpful to save some time for the author and both for visual and not visual presentation. > or enlarged to the point where it would require > a dictionary or an encyclopaedia of elements before > one could use it successfully, to better understand > your position. There are already some nice improvements both in HTML5 and XHTML2 to get some more structure in documents for a better understandability and a better access for everyone... I think, this is already better as only to use the group br/b/a/img to markup everything in a monotonic, meaningless tag soup.
Received on Friday, 29 February 2008 12:53:25 UTC