Re: Emphasizing STRIKE

On Feb 7, 2008 8:21 PM, Ryan Parman <> wrote:
> This is getting silly, guys. For semantic meaning, use markup. For
> visual style, use CSS.
> If you're marking something for deletion, use <del>. If you need to
> cross something off without deleting it, use text-decoration:strike-
> through;.
> I don't understand why this thread is so long. Is there really that
> much to discuss? It's the same argument as <i> and <b> compared to
> <em> and <strong>. If you simply want the visual style, use CSS -- as
> that's what it's designed for.
> --
> Ryan Parman
> <>

It's the point I'm trying to make, and I'm leaving the thread as
everything that can be discussed has been brought up already. There is
more than enough information given as for someone else to pick up from
here and consider if it needs to be brought to the tracker or not.

Gonzalo Rubio

Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 05:40:52 UTC