server's initiative

Good day,

If browser does not close communication after downloading of page,
it can get xml-elements (after closing tag </html>),
sent by server at arbitrary moment of time. These xml-elements could
*) change position of html-elements <obj   id= coord= >
*) change style                     <obj   id= newstyle= >
*) pronounce text                   <say   data="pronounce this">
*) download and play sound file     <sound src="">
*) add new html-elements            <tag_except_4_above parentId= afterId= >
This allow to turn browser into control desk (control panel),
displaying state of some process (on server side).

I'd like to know your opinion, is it enough to inform browser
to not close communication by
  <head>   <meta name=connection content=prolong>   </head>
Server, keeping this page, never close communication by own
initiative, and can recognize, that communication is not closed
by browser.

Or it's necessary to send some information to server, like
  <formdata>   <prolong doc=785>   </formdata>
on base of
  <head>   <meta name=register content=785>   </head>

As it seems, nothing additions for HTTP is not needed.

Dmitry Turin
HTML6     (6. 5.2)
SQL5      (5.11.0)
Unicode7  (7. 2.1)
Computer2 (2. 0.2)

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2008 10:57:44 UTC