Re: Why authors are using Transitional (and target="_blank")

Jeff Schiller 08-02-21 00.43:   ­
> On 2/20/08, Philip TAYLOR <> wrote:
> > The decision as to whether to open in the same
> >  window, the same window but a new tab, or in
> >  a new window, should be the user's and the user's
> >  alone.  The document can offer guidance (such as
> >  "best opened in a new window"), but should not
> >  enforce that behaviour.
> Why?  Why should the web app author have no choice?  It has already
> been illustrated that certain web apps (GMail, Google Reader, banks)
> have perfectly valid reasons to open new tabs (for help screens, to
> maintain session state, or whatever).  Removing that (or making it
> difficult) means workarounds (JS) for the author, but most importantly
> it offers a potentially painful experience to the user if the authors
> do not work around it.

I support the stance that target=_blank has a role to play.

Personally I have a dreadful experience with my online bank account.  
When it shows e.g. the monthly list of transactions (now and then that 
list has some lenght - besides I can expand it to up to a year's 
lenght), and if I click on one of the transactions to read its details, 
then that internet banking system opens the deteail view in the same 
window. And what does that mean? I means that I loose control on where 
in the transaction list I was. When I return to the transaction list, I 
have to use time to find it again. Had instead the detailed view been 
opened in a new window/tab, I would have been much happier.
leif halvard silli

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2008 03:21:34 UTC