Re: Clarification of rational for deprecation of @longdesc and @summary

Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
 > Philip Taylor (Webmaster) 08-02-18 15.46:   ­
 >> Joshue O Connor wrote:
 >>> Joshue O Connor wrote:
 >>>> often the @longdesc text is hidden from sighted users and may not be a
 >>>> part of the main page content.
 >>> They contents are obviously not even on the same page.
 >> Why do you assume this, Joshue : could the URL of the
 >> LONGDESC not refer to a document fragment on the same page ?
 > Perhaps he has realworld experience?

I was not challenging the tacit suggestion that some
(perhaps even most) LONGDESCs are off-page; I was
challenging only the assertion that /all/ are, which
is how I read Joshue's message.


Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 10:42:32 UTC