Re: Emphasizing STRIKE

Lee Kowalkowski wrote:

> Beats me, it seems to be based on the flawed assertion that del and
> strike are not synonymous, but in fact they are.

I genuinely do not understand how you can arrive
at that conclusion.  <strike> indicates that the
element is "struck through"; <del> that it is
"deleted".  Just because (by convention)
text can be shewn as having been deleted by
being struck through doesn't make <del> and
<strike> synonymous, any more than <strong>
and <b> become synonyms simply because
the classic HTML styling for strong emphasis
is emboldening.

<del> and <strong> are semantic; <strike> and
<b> are purely presentational.


Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 10:16:55 UTC