Re: proposals into HTML5

On Feb 13, 2008 7:23 AM, Dmitry Turin wrote:
> Good day,
> Let's enter some of my proposals,
> which met approval and not met objections, e.g.

I'm really not found of using <table> for layout.

What's wrong with SVG? (apart from the problems of including it inside
text/html). AFAIK, you can include XHTML inside SVG (inside XHTML), so
you could put your "database table" <table> inside an SVG document
which will add the "relation" lines.


There's XPointer which is equivalent.

Some of your examples, with XPointer (I'm using the child:: axis, as
your proposal is not clear whether it should child:: or descendant::):

And your "litteral specifier" is just a simplified XPath predicate
(I'm using text()[contains(., "foo")] as your proposal not clear
whether the search text is directly contained in the element or within
children, and how interspersed children are taken into account):
A bit less readable, but you might have meant the following instead:
./a.htm#xpointer(//h1[contains(.,"special count")][1]/img[@src="./pic.jpg"][1])

NOTE: of course, brackets and quotes must be %-encoded. I left them
unencoded as it's more readable (and browsers don't choke)

Thomas Broyer

Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 10:49:09 UTC