Re: Emphasizing STRIKE

Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
> Philip Taylor (Webmaster) 08-02-06 17.46:   ­
>> but given a choice between <strike> and <s> I would
>> much prefer the former, since <s> could only too
>> easily be confused with <strong> by analogy with <b>.
> Valid point.

I disagree. If the author looks at the page in a web browser, they'll see 
the text is crossed out instead of emboldened.

Some other notes:

1. <s> uses fewer bytes than the alternatives.
2. Some formatting elements named in a similar style to <s>:
    * <b>
    * <i>
    * <tt> (as opposed to <teletype>)
    * <u>
3. Some elements which a greater purpose than formatting named in a similar 
style to <strike>:
    * <base>
    * <caption>
    * <cite>
    * <code>
    * <form>
    * <input>
    * <label>
    * <legend>
    * <option>
    * <strong>
4. Some formatting elements named in a similar style to <strike>:
    * <basefont>
    * <big>
    * <center>
    * <font>
    * <small>
    * <strike> (alias of <s>)
5. Elements with a greater purpose than formatting named in a similar style 
to <s>:
    * <a>
    * <p>
    * <q>

If we make an element for creating a strikethrough effect conforming, I 
think we should:

* Allow both <s> and <strike> equally. There is consistency and 
inconsistency with either name.
* Define <s> and <strike> as aliases of each other.
* Highlight the usefulness of <del> for common strikethrough cases in the 
authoring section/document.

I am not sure if such an element should be conforming. <del> seems 
appropriate in all the cases I've seen, especially when no attributes are 
present. But this is not something I've studied in great detail.

Ben 'Cerbera' Millard
Collections of Interesting Data Tables

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2008 19:11:16 UTC