Re: Emphasizing STRIKE

Lee Kowalkowski 08-02-08 16.30 conversing with : ­
> On 08/02/2008, Ben Boyle <> wrote:
> > The bugzilla example was excellent. I can imagine a few scenarios
> > where you might want to show some activity is
> > completed/closed/invalid/inactive -- not "deleted"

_That_ is a most excellent point you have, Ben!

Of course, when something is «done», then it is also invalid. You don't 
need to keep an eye on it anymore. I can imagine someone watching a ski 
run, and as each skier reaches goal, you strikes him/her out. Or, often 
all soccer teams in a league play their matches simultaneously. Internet 
news papers follows these rounds, and show which matches are still 
active, and strike out those thate are done.

In an real world example that I saw - a review of Apple's MacBook Air - 
I found this use of STRIKE, which also supports the "invalid" 
"Apple's Smallest, <STRIKE>Lightest</STRIKE> Powerhouse"

>  -- thus del would
> > be inappropriate, span conveys nothing (could be visually styled but
> > otherwise inaccessible) but... strike would do nicely.

That is how I see it too.

> …  You won't be able to avoid including the actual status as content
> (completed/closed/invalid/inactive).  So how does strike do nicely?

That point is very moot.

Yes, of course, if HTML 5 would define STRIKE as purely visual, or if 
STRIKE would not be defined at all, then, per HTML 5, it would be just 
as visual/inaccessible as the FONT element.

However, if we _do_ define STRIKE as "for some reason no longer valid", 
then STRIKE won't need inclusion of keywords anything more than any 
other element. All STRIKE would need, then, is context. And that is no 
different from any other element. That is not to say that it could not 
benefit from such keywords. If you want to give fine grained 
information, then you must use such keyword - and one could use the 
TITLE attribute for such advicory information.
leif halvard silli

Received on Saturday, 9 February 2008 21:11:41 UTC