Parsing: <style> and <script> in <table>




Both html5lib and the HTML parser both put <style> and  
<script> elements in <table> instead of foster parenting them as the spec  
says they should do. Mozilla fosterparents <style>. Safari moves <style>  
to head. Opera and IE don't move <style>. All browsers don't move <script>.

<table><style scoped> might be useful for table-specific styling.  
(Especially when someone comes up with a working CSS solution for e.g.  
column alignment.)

<table><script> is probably needed for roundtripping documents that do  

Therefore, I'd suggest that the spec be changed so that style and script  
are not fosterparented when found in tables.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 9 February 2008 16:57:23 UTC