Re: Emphasizing STRIKE

gonchuki 08-02-07 19.49:   ­
> On Feb 7, 2008 4:27 PM, Leif Halvard Silli <> wrote:
> > <del>old name</del><ins><strike>old name</strike> new name</ins>
> > Since the purpose is not to document the editing process, it is enough with
> > <strike>old name</strike> new name

Deleted or not deleted, that's the question:
> complete nonsense, <del>old name</del> actually DOES mean "ignore
> this, as it has been deleted [...]
> [...]remember that the <del> tag deletes nothing at all,  [...]
> the contents of <del> tell me: "hey, I'm not useful anymore, please
> delete me when you please".

HTML 4: "INS and DEL [...] inserted or deleted with respect to a 
different version of a document (e.g., in draft legislation where 
lawmakers need to view the changes)."

Text inside DEL is still usefull. Otherwise you would just zip it.

In a blog, if you have a policy to not edit the text after you published 
it, you can add STRIKE around things that you don't stand by anymore. If 
you use DEL instead, then you hint that this document is temporarily - 
you will soon publish a new version.

> the contents of <strike> on the contrary say: "hey, I'm a piece of
> stroked text, but I don't know why"

This ignores facts that everyone are aware of.  Strokes are not 
something one adds for fun or decoration. But there can be different 
reasons for stroken text - just as there can be for bolden text. 
Sometimes it does indeed represent an older version of a given text.

DEL marks up content from an previous version of that _text_.
STRIKE marks up invalid content in a given _document_.

> don't know about the exact Bugzilla implementation, but wording tells
> you that a bug is solved when one writes "bug #799 resolved on
> changeset [1350]", you don't need any extra visual clue to know what
> it means, it's self-explanatory text and an unsighted user also gets

The best is to see for yourselves, in context, how this is used and useful:
leif halvard silli

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2008 20:20:51 UTC