www-style@w3.org from November 1999 by subject

"inherit" and the cascade

2 Markers and a run-in

<no subject>

@font-face rules


A whole host of pseudo-elements

Anchor colours

Another conflict

Apologies (was re: margins,etc.)

archives (Netscape bugs)

BECSS again (Was: Re: M$ proprietary CSS tags)


Browser problems.

Clip & shaped borders + error/ambiguity in spec

Color formats


CSS2 Test Suite updates

CSS2 Test Suite: Selectors draft

Cursor: spinning


Deficient mail clients (was Re: Position of ALT text on IMG)

Encircled and enrectangled (?) list markers, minor amendment to clip: oval and CSS list-style-type

Error in CSS grammar (surely not!)

Error in spec on width: auto on the root element

Errors in spec on float, and improvements thereto

Font matching algorithm

font-size and accents, again

Greatly improved background syntax

Inheritance of line-height normal - enhancement to spec

Inline titles

MacIE5 Beta


Margin-color; text-indent; browser detection without script; attribute selector, ! combinator


More advanced positioning syntax

Need for CSS to overcome Table-based formatting, Need for CSS to simulate all HTML format-based elements,, My proposal for CSS frames, My proposals for new :empty pseudo-class, My new display: types, New replace: property, New :empty-column pseudo-element, New children variable(!)

New Working Draft : BECSS


Please critique and advise

Position of ALT text on IMG

Proposal for bootstrapable DOM and CSSOM

Pseudo-elements and user style sheets

Sincerest apologies was re: please critique and advise


Text-transform: small-caps

The canvas

The dangers of inherit; the dangers of first-letter; errors in spec on float; new float rules; mistake in clear example; background-sound; @viewport

The universal selector, inherit and important


underline overline

Uselessness of fixed positioning due to inadequacy of height:, and the fix

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines comments: font-size UI

Various comments on selectors' Test Suite

Vertical-align: text-top/text-bottom

Why is the W3c so 'closed'?

Why no Parent Selector?


Yet another error in float

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 November 1999 20:35:59 UTC