RE: A whole host of pseudo-elements

> E.g., H1 {text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 150%;
> color: blue}
> H1:first-letters {color: red; font-size: 170%}
You could do, though I've found that enclosing the first letter in a <span> and
applying a style to that works well, I've managed to get drop-caps without only
a small amount of fiddling.

> Which leads me on to these, which might be of use:
> :last-letter
> :last-word
> :last-line (frequently used)
> Which leads me on to the example of where we want
> capital letters (as opposed to first letters of words)
> to be in a different style.

These kinds of things have been mentioned before, and they have one downside in
that they are generally specific to Latin scripts. I'm sure it could be done,
though it depends on the practicality of implementing it...


Received on Wednesday, 3 November 1999 07:50:37 UTC