Re: The canvas

At 1:20 PM -0500 11/11/99, L. David Baron wrote:
>Section 14.2 of CSS2 says both of the following [1]:
># Margins are always transparent so the background of the parent box
># always shines through.
># The background of the box generated by the root element covers the
># entire canvas.
>Therefore, one of the following must be true:
>  * The margins of the root element are colored by the background of
>    the root element
>  * The root element cannot have margins.
>  * The background of the box generated by the root element covers
>    the entire canvas minus the margins of the root element.  (This
>    doesn't make much sense to me since the canvas can be much bigger
>    than the root element if the children of the root element overflow -
>    for example, wide tables or preformatted text.)
>  * Something else??
>I suspect it's the first of these possibilities, but I'm not sure.
>Which one is correct?

It's been a while since I thought hard about this, but I remember my 
conclusion: the root element can have neither margins nor border, 
only padding. The "box acid test" 
( was coded in accord with this 

Todd Fahrner

Received on Thursday, 11 November 1999 13:53:40 UTC