Re: Text-transform: small-caps

> beuuuuuuuu. Is that _really_ useful ? Can you please
> demonstrate a
> global need for such a...such a...such a 
> glorgl

I believe I can.

1. Open a plainly printed book.
2. Look at the first word [often first two - need
:first-two-words as well as :first-word (also note on
first-word; frequently in typography :first-word
matches A WORD, not just A (should first-word mean
:first-two-words when the first is the article?)].
3. Compare it with the rest of the text.
4. Usually the typefaces will compliment each other
but will not be the same.

As a result, given my default style sheet:

P {text-indent: 5%;
font-family: "A font";
H1 + P, H2 + P, H3 + P, H4 + P, H5 + P, H6 + P
{text-indent: 0;}

H1 + P:first-word, H2 + P:first-word, H3 +
P:first-word, H4 + P:first-word, H5 + P:first-word, H6
+ P:first-word {font-variant: small-caps}

I wouldn't like it if:
(a) My font effectively had text-transform: small-caps
(the current behaviour of all browsers that I have
tested), which would look bad because my font doesn't
look good like this
(b) a font-variant was chosen that clashed with my
normal text.

Therefore, I would like to be able to do:

H1 + P:first-word, H2 + P:first-word, H3 +
P:first-word, H4 + P:first-word, H5 + P:first-word, H6
+ P:first-word {text-transform: small-caps;
font-family: E.g, Times } [Note: text-transform-font
is superfluous, I really don't know what I was

This way I ensure that my fonts compliment each other,
and avoid either (a) = ugly, or (b) = also ugly.

From Matthew Brealey ( (for law)or (for CSS))
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Received on Friday, 26 November 1999 08:35:39 UTC