Parsing :
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL",
this document are to be
interpreted as described in RFC 2119 (see [RFC2119]). 
However, for readability, these words do
not appear in uppercase letters in this specification.

Bad idea.

The CSS spec is not 'readable', so this isn't a valid
reason for not including in capitals that which should
be in capitals (the whole reason that they are in caps
is because that they are important)

> David "section 7.1 is the most important section of
> CSS1" Baron
I agree.

Parsing errors in browsers have broken, inter alia:

user fonts
user colours
most vertical-align values

all future @ rules
All future values on existing properties
All future pseudos

It is for this reason that instead of making the links
to the parsing sections the same colour as the rest of
the document so that they blend in and can't be seen,
and putting everything in lowercase; it should be put
in bright red flashing 72pt text so that these things
are not ignored any longer.

On which subject:
IGNORE needs to be emphasised far more than at present
- the definition of IGNORE should be the first thing
in the spec, it needs to be 2ft high, and it needs to
be made absolutely clear so that the dolts who are
implementing CSS can IGNORE it no longer (notable
exception = Opera; although I've found several dozen
parsing errors, mostly relating to comments and
simple_selector in it) the problem of browsers not
IGNORing has caused so much grief.

From Matthew Brealey ( (for law)or (for CSS))
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Received on Friday, 26 November 1999 09:46:03 UTC