1.2T errata agenda requests
<title> containing markup
[Fwd: [Moderator Action] Re: a couple of issues with SVG 1.1 Mobile DTD]
[Fwd: [Moderator Action] Re: Some notes on SVG parsing in HTML 5]
[Fwd: Re: [office-comment] Requirement: SVG Integration]
[Fwd: Re: Some notes on SVG parsing in HTML 5]
[Fwd: Re: Transforms Coordination]
[minutes] Jan 29, 2009 telcon
[minutes] Jan 8, 2009 telcon
[svg-developers] Are glyph-name lists comma or space separated?
[webkit-dev] Cross browser automated tests
Agenda Feb 12, 2009, telcon
Agenda for 12 January 2009 telcon
Agenda for 5 January 2009 telcon
Agenda request for Monday
Agenda Request: a couple of issues with SVG 1.1 Mobile DTD
Agenda request: objectBoundingBox and absolute lengths
Agenda request: telcon times
Agenda+, Speculative tokenization and foreign content
Agenda, 19 January 2009 telcon
Agenda, 2 February 2009 telcon
Agenda, 2 March 2009 telcon
Agenda, 26 January 2009 telcon
Agenda, 9 February 2009 telcon
Agenda, 9 March 2009 telcon -- note the time!
Agenda, Feb 5, 2009 telcon
Agenda, Jan 15, 2009
Agenda, Jan 29, 2009 telcon
Agenda, Jan 8, 2009 telcon
Agenda, Mar 12, 2009 telcon
Agenda, Mar 5, 2009 telcon
Agenda, March 16 2009 telcon
Agenda, March 19 2009 telcon
Agenda, March 23 2009 telcon
Agenda, March 26, 2009 telcon
Agenda, March 30, 2009 telcon
Agenda, telcon Jan 22, 2009
Agenda, Thu 26 Feb, 2009 telcon
Assessing interest in November W3C Tech Plenary/AC Meetings Week (response needed by 18 March)
Automatic Change Notification
Bounding box when textArea width or height is set to 'auto'
circular references and error processing
CMM & transparency (was RE: Minutes Sydney 2009 F2F day 5)
comments on transforms
Consider a temporary reduction in frequency of Group face-to-face meetings
Cropping <image>s, ISSUE-2002
CSS-SVG Task Force
CSS-SVG Task Force (was: Transforms Coordination)
David Dailey's Feature Proposals
Deadline for TPAC decision
Difference between <comment> and <discussion> in errata?
Discussion of Transforms on CSS List
duplicate ids in SVGT test slides
enable-background wording for compositing module
Extension entities in SVG 1.1 DTD for title and desc
Focused Telcons
Fwd: 1.28 Re: Progress draft 1.27 - ready for last call?
Fwd: SVG 1.1 Java interface license
FYI: Google introduces SVG support in GoogleDocs
getStartTime() current interval
Input on the agenda
ISSUE-2095 (soft-light blend mode): Algorithm for soft-light blend mode [Module: Filters]
ISSUE-2194 (list-syntax-incompatibilities): Syntax of some list-type attributes in SVG Tiny 1.2 incompatible with those in SVG 1.1 [SVG 1.2 Tiny: Errata]
ISSUE-2195 (unified list syntax): Create unified list syntax that allows commas or whitespace [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2197 (glyph-d-attr): Definition of @d on <glyph> doesn't link to path data type [SVG 1.2 Tiny: Errata]
ISSUE-2198 (progress-eventtarget): Define the EventTarget for ProgressEvents
ISSUE-2199: Underlying transform value erratum now conflicts with 1.2T [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2200: XLink attribute definitions have mismatching quotes [SVG 1.2 Tiny: Errata]
ISSUE-2201 (getStartTime-return-value): Return value of SVGAnimationElement.getStartTime unclear [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2202 (replace zoomAndPan): Discuss replacing zoomAndPan with individual attributes [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2203 (colorprofile-local-erratum): color-profile "local" IDL attribute erratum incorrect [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2204 (SMIL DOM ): Improve DOM Interfaces for SMIL Values [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2205 (text-wrap-stretch): Consider adding support for stretched, wrapped text in a <textArea> [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2208 (rotate-center-point): Consider allowing rotations to be relative to their bounding box center [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2209 (paced-anim-complex-11): Paced animation of complex types inconsistent with SVG Tiny 1.2 [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2210 (svgtransform-matrix-liveness): Define liveness of SVGTransform.matrix [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2211 (marker-consecutive-movetos): Clarify that markers are rendered on all consecutive moveto commands [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2212 (iso8601-reference): SVG 1.1 Spec ISO8601 reference links to ICC spec [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2213 (redraw-method-issues): Some issues in the definition of suspendRedraw/unsuspendRedraw/forceRedraw [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2214 (conforming-svg-document-fragment-definition): Suggested erratum on SVG 1.1 - Conforming SVG Document Fragments [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2215 (dtd-extend-example-error): Error in DTD extensibility example [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2216 (valueAsString-affecting-unitType): Not clear whether assigning to SVGLength.valueAsString can change the unitType [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2217 (resolve-SVGLength-units): How units are resolved on an SVGLength is not defined [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2218 (getTimeline): Consider adding method to return array of declarative timeline [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2219 (test-coverage-props-11): Missing test coverage for SVG 1.1 properties [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2220 (animate-elem-36-nonwf): animate-elem-36-t is not well-formed [Test Suite - SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2221 (test-coverage-attrs-11): Missing test coverage for SVG 1.1 attributes [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2222 (test-coverage-elts-11): Missing test coverage for SVG 1.1 elements [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2223 (filter-bbox): Consider Changing BBox Behavior of Filters [SVG Filters 1.2]
ISSUE-2224 (css3color): CSS3 Color syntax in svg [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2225 (convolve-order-optional): Is "order" attribute of feConvolveMatrix required or not? [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2228: RDF examples in 7.15 Geographic coordinate systems are not valid [SVG Tiny 1.2]
ISSUE-2231 (SVG-in-text/html): Work with HTML WG to allow SVG inline in text/html [SVG-and-HTML]
ISSUE-2233 (transform-syntax): adopt the syntax for CSS Transforms [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2234 (merge-with-css-transforms): Consider merging SVG Transforms and CSS Transforms specs [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2235 (4x4-matrix): Consider using 4x4 matrices over 3x3 [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2236 (preserve-3d): Resolve Painter's Model with respect to 3d rendering, z-index [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2237 (css-preserveAspectRatio): Align with CSS WG preserveAspectRatio [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2238 (switch-allowReorder): Add @allowReorder to <switch> [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2239 (script-attributes): Add HTML5 script-element attributes to SVG's script element [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2240 (style-attributes): Add HTML5 style-element attributes to SVG's style element [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2241 (More explanations about the used coordinate system): 1. Introduction - More explanations about the used coordinate system [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2242 (image-rendering-nearest-neighbor): Consider adding a new value for 'image-rendering' for nearest neighbor resampling [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2243 ('transform-origin' property): 2.1. The 'transform-origin' property [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2244 ('perspective' property): 2.2. The 'perspective' property [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2245 (TransformList Extensions incompatible): 3. TransformList Extensions [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2246 (Consider the type matrix to be animatable): 4. 'animateTransform' Extensions - consider the type matrix to be animatable [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2247 (4x4 to a 3x3 matrix minor fixes): 5. Converting a 4x4 to a 3x3 matrix - Minor fixes [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2248 (Scale on a 2D object): 3. TransformList Extensions - Scale on a 2D object
ISSUE-2249 (Rotation graphical example required): 3. TransformList Extensions - Rotation graphical example required [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2250 (Converting a 4x4 to a 3x3 matrix typo): 5. Converting a 4x4 to a 3x3 matrix - Typo [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2251 (General conceptual feedback): General conceptual feedback [Module: Transforms]
ISSUE-2252 (svg-transform): Consider adding transform="" to <svg> [SVG Core 2.0]
ISSUE-2253 (foreignobject-context): <foreignObject>s should be allowed as children of container elements [SVG Full 1.1]
ISSUE-2254 (load-event-dispatching): Consider changing which elements have load dispatched to them [SVG Core 2.0]
Issues and actions from the old tracker
Join HTML Telcon
Minutes Feb 12, 2009, telcon
Minutes Feb 2, 2009 telcon
Minutes Jan 15, 2009 telcon
Minutes Jan 22, 2009 telcon
Minutes Jan 5, 2009 telcon
Minutes January 26, 2009 telcon
Minutes Sydney 2009 F2F day 1
Minutes Sydney 2009 F2F day 2
Minutes Sydney 2009 F2F day 3
Minutes Sydney 2009 F2F day 4
Minutes Sydney 2009 F2F day 5
Minutes, 12 Jan 2009 SVG WG call
Minutes, 21 March 209 SVG WG telcon
Minutes, 26 Feb 2009 SVG telcon
Minutes, 26 Mar 2009 SVG WG telcon
Minutes, 9 February 2009 telcon
Minutes, 9 March 2009 telcon
Minutes, Feb 5, 2009 telcon
Minutes, Mar 12, 2009 telcon
Minutes, Mar 5, 2009 telcon
Minutes, March 16 2009 telcon
Minutes, March 19 2009 telcon
Minutes, March 30, 2009 telcon
Minutes, telcon Jan 19, 2009
Missing animation eventnames for ProgressEvents
Missing Resources Indicator
Missing Resources Indicator (was: More on circular references)
More on circular references
More on circular references (ACTION-2494)
New Cross-Group Discussion List: public-fx
New telcon times
PDF Blending Algorithms (was RE: Minutes Sydney 2009 F2F day 2)
Plugin APIs (was: Agenda, Thu 26 Feb, 2009 telcon)
Proposal for clarifying edge-cases for the rx and ry handling on the rect element
Proposal for SVG type constructors
Proposed Errata Wording for Non-Root currentTranslate/currentScale/currentRotate (ACTION-2368)
Raising the issue of multi-threading
Registration of image/svg+xml
Regrets 2 and 5 March
Regrets, 2 February 2009 telcon
RelaxNG schema for SVG 1.1
Removing a 1.1 erratum
Requirement: SVG Integration
Rev should not be added to SVG
Single-Page Version of SVG 1.1
Some comments on the Compositing module
Some notes on SVG parsing in HTML 5
Specs to Review
Stripped-down HTML5 Spec Ready for Revision (ACTION-2490)
SVG 1.1 Java interface license
SVG as Root in HTML
SVG in ODF (was: Agenda, March 19 2009 telcon)
SVG in text/html, getting closer
- Jonathan Watt (Wednesday, 11 March)
- Jonathan Watt (Wednesday, 11 March)
- Doug Schepers (Monday, 9 March)
- Cameron McCormack (Monday, 9 March)
- Doug Schepers (Monday, 9 March)
- Cameron McCormack (Monday, 9 March)
- Doug Schepers (Monday, 9 March)
- Cameron McCormack (Thursday, 5 March)
- Erik Dahlström (Wednesday, 4 March)
- Cameron McCormack (Tuesday, 3 March)
SVG Integration Module
SVG Sydney Face-to-Face 2009
SVG Validation
SVGSVGElement inheriting from ViewCSS
Sydney F2F agenda
Sydney F2F Telephone Number
Syndicated news on /Graphics/SVG
Telcon 23 February 2009 cancelled
Telcon time change
text-ws-02-t and nbsp glyph
Thoughts on cleaning up SVG 1.1 for Second Edition
trait accessors for animation
transform animation and decomposition
transforms comments
Transforms Coordination
Transition Announcement: WAI-ARIA Last Call and WAI-ARIA User Agent Implementation Guide FPWD
Update on ACTION-2036
Update on ACTION-2362
Update on ACTION-2380
Updated underlying value for transform animations erratum
US clocks move to Summer Time Sunday, 8 March
Vector Effects Comments/Suggestions
Vector effects module
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 2009 14:39:36 UTC