ISSUE-2249 (Rotation graphical example required): 3. TransformList Extensions - Rotation graphical example required [Module: Transforms]

ISSUE-2249 (Rotation graphical example required): 3. TransformList Extensions - Rotation graphical example required [Module: Transforms]

Raised by: Anthony Grasso
On product: Module: Transforms

In section 3. TransformList Extensions, under
   rotate(<rotate-angle> <nx> <ny> <nz> [<cx> <cy> <cz>])

An example showing what new construct would be equivalent to the old
rotate might help. (Other than rotateZ( <angle> [<cx> <cy>] )) I guess
I just don't understand the parameters <nx> <ny> <nz>.

Received on Monday, 23 March 2009 00:22:25 UTC