Re: Registration of image/svg+xml

On Thursday, January 22, 2009, 7:21:39 AM, Cameron wrote:

CM> Hello WG, and Chris in particular.

CM> Now that SVG Tiny 1.2 is a Recommendation, we can get image/svg+xml
CM> registered.  I see that the last time comments were solicited on
CM> Appendix M[1] was late 2005[2].  The text in that mail seems to be the
CM> same as what was eventually published in the Recommendation.


CM> There was some discussion in that thread.  I gather from the lack of
CM> change to Appendix M that you (Chris) took those comments on board but
CM> came to the conclusion that no further changes were necessary? 

Correct. Well in fact its a little more complicated. The comments were made in the context of RFC 3023, which has a problem, which the TAG pointed out some years ago, which will be fixed by a replacement to RFC 3023, which I started editing, and then got distracted by other stuff.

Since yours is the third reminder this week that i need to get cracking on publishing son-of-3023 i will try to get to it asap.

CM>  If so,
CM> then would you be able to continue with the appropriate procedure[3] to
CM> get the registration completed?

Yes, once 3023-replacement is published as an Internet Draft. Our registration template is already in conformance with it.

CM> Thanks,

CM> Cameron

CM> [1]
CM> [2]
CM> [3]

 Chris Lilley          
 Technical Director, Interaction Domain
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Thursday, 22 January 2009 15:37:57 UTC