transforms comments


Do you still plan to publish the SVG transforms proposal at the same  
time as the CSS proposal? If so, I think you should either try to  
address the comments I gave last week, or put notes into the  
specification indicating the areas of fuzziness.

In general I don't think first public working drafts need to be  
anywhere near perfect (it seems the CSS WG have a higher bar).  
However, since you've fast-tracked the publication of the SVG proposal  
in order to "avoid confusion" with the CSS proposal it would be good  
if the SVG proposal was in an equivalent state. I think putting  
editorial notes into the document would be enough.

The main points are the rendering model and the confusion over whether  
you want 3d or compatibility with OpenVG. Syntax issues are probably  
less important.


Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2009 19:55:59 UTC