Transforms Coordination


As you know, the SVG WG want to have a long-term collaboration with you 
on a number of topics, including the Transforms specifications.

Dean Jackson raised the idea of merging the SVG and CSS Transform 
specifications (at least 3D) [1] (noted in our Tracker as ISSUE-2234) 
[2], which has some merit and some points for caution.  The best thing 
to do at this point may be to create a joint Task Force.  Even if we end 
up with separate specs, at the very least a TF will serve as a medium 
for collaboration.

Is the CSS WG open to the idea of a joint CSS-SVG Transforms Task Force? 
  Obviously, I think all parties would want it to be a public group.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2009 19:01:56 UTC