Re: <title> containing markup

Cameron McCormack:
> > Iā€™m wondering also if someone could tell me the exact i18n
> > problems allowing markup rather than plain text solves. Do the
> > Unicode bidi control characters (like RLE, PDF, etc.) not allow you
> > to do everything you need to?

Chris Lilley:
> They let you change direction. They don't let you say what the
> language is of substrings. I guess the canonical use case is a title
> containing two characters, one Chinese and one Japanese, which
> have been unified in Unicode and which are typically rendered with
> different glyphs depending on the language.

OK.  The variation selector and language tag control characters in
Unicode seem to be designed for this kind of case.  Then again:

  Q: Should I be using those language tag characters?

  A: No. Use of the language tag characters is strongly discouraged.
  They are encoded in the standard only for limited use by particular
  protocols which may need to provide language tagging for short
  strings, without the use of full-fledged markup mechanisms. Most other
  users who need to tag text with the language identity should be using
  standard markup mechanisms, such as those provided by HTML, XML, or
  other rich text mechanisms. In database contexts, language should
  generally be indicated by appropriate data fields, rather than by
  embedded language tags or markup.

Cameron McCormack ā‰

Received on Monday, 23 March 2009 19:25:18 UTC