Re: transforms comments

On 19/03/2009, at 5:39 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:

> I was going to note the open issues in the spec, but I see that such  
> notes were already there as of the version previously prepared for  
> publication:
> Can you be more explicit about what wording you'd like us to put in  
> there?

That's fine.

I have opinions on the topic, but that can wait will after  
publication :)

> As far as ISSUE-2234, the SVG WG has discussed the idea of merging  
> the specs, but currently suspect that there may be issues with  
> defining syntax and possibly other things (box-model issues that  
> don't apply to SVG, coordinate system stuff that doesn't apply to  
> CSS, etc.), and ultimately we'd like to fold all the transforms  
> module back into SVG 2.0.  But that's not a firm position.

There are two vague issues (one technical, one more political):

- what happens when a CSS transform is applied to SVG? It would be  
really nice if SVG transforms could act as CSS properties, then most  
of the issues will fall out (ie. you won't have to work out the order  
of transforms, how origin properties will nest, etc).

- if the specifications don't have the goal of merging, then what is  
the point of publishing them at the same time?

> We're open to the idea of making a Task Force to work specifically  
> on these issues, and come out with a single spec that addresses all  
> of that, if the CSS WG is interested in doing so.

Well.... as long as a Task Force doesn't mean any extra work or  
meetings :)

I think we should be able to resolve the technical issues via email  
and maybe teleconferences. I don't know what a Task Force brings.


Received on Thursday, 19 March 2009 01:57:11 UTC