Re: Extension entities in SVG 1.1 DTD for title and desc

On Friday, March 27, 2009, 5:01:25 AM, Cameron wrote:

CM> Hello WG.

CM> The SVG 1.1 DTD defines the <desc> element as follows:

CM> <!ENTITY % SVG.desc.extra.content "" >
CM> <!ENTITY % SVG.desc.element "INCLUDE" >
CM> <![%SVG.desc.element;[
CM> <!ENTITY % SVG.desc.content
CM>     "( #PCDATA %SVG.desc.extra.content; )*"

CM> <!ELEMENT %SVG.desc.qname; %SVG.desc.content; >
CM> <!-- end of SVG.desc.element -->]]>
CM> <!ENTITY % SVG.desc.attlist "INCLUDE" >
CM> <![%SVG.desc.attlist;[
CM> <!ATTLIST %SVG.desc.qname;
CM>     %SVG.Core.attrib;
CM>     %SVG.Style.attrib;

CM> It doesn’t seem useful to be able to override the
CM> &SVG.desc.extra.content; entity, since the content model of <desc> is
CM> otherwise defined as #PCDATA.  Instead of extending the allowable
CM> element children if the entity is overridden, it would restrict them.

Wasn't that the point? So if someone wants to put, say , XLIFF in their title and desc, this hook lets them do it. And then validate the result.

CM> This probably isn’t so important, though, since we don’t care about DTDs
CM> any more.

Right. There are better ways to do this now.

 Chris Lilley          
 Technical Director, Interaction Domain
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Monday, 30 March 2009 12:44:33 UTC