Re: text-ws-02-t and nbsp glyph

Erik Dahlström:
> I wonder if the text-ws-02-t.svg[2] test is correct.
> The testcase text-ws-02-t.svg[2] uses the SVGFreeSansASCII font,
> which doesn't have a glyph for the nonbreaking space. This causes a
> fontswitch in Opera, and the second line therefore looks different
> from the first line.

Same in Batik.  The NBSP glyphs are rendered with a different font,
resulting in the spaces between the words being different.

> Should an SVGFont claim to have the nonbreaking-space glyph even
> though it doesn't if there is a space glyph?

No, I don’t believe it should.

> I think the test should either not use nbsp or we need to add the nbsp
> glyph to the SVGFreeSansASCII font.

I agree.  I guess it would be slightly better to keep the use of the
NBSPs and add that glyph to the font, since we don’t want the test to
have a false positive if runs of normal space characters get mistakenly
collapsed when xml:space="preserve", or something.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Sunday, 8 February 2009 22:58:35 UTC