"display: run-out" -- a proposal
:links and HTML
[Zvon] CSS2 for XML tutorial can be viewed from any browser
A problem on SAC 1.1
Announce: new definition of absolute positioning
Behavior, scripts, CSS
Behavior, scripts, CSS (completely off topic, just
Behavior, scripts, CSS (completely off topic, just correcting a misunderstanding...)
caching css documents
Copy of SAC 1.0 Java implementation required
Default XSL stylesheet for XHTML documents
- Håkon Wium Lie (Friday, 13 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 13 October)
- Steffen Goeldner (Friday, 13 October)
- Ian Graham (Tuesday, 3 October)
- Håkon Wium Lie (Tuesday, 3 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Tuesday, 3 October)
- Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 October)
- Tantek Celik (Monday, 2 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 2 October)
- Chris Lilley (Monday, 2 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 2 October)
- Chris Lilley (Monday, 2 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 2 October)
- Chris Lilley (Monday, 2 October)
- Elliotte Rusty Harold (Monday, 2 October)
- Jelks Cabaniss (Monday, 2 October)
- Simon St.Laurent (Monday, 2 October)
- Håkon Wium Lie (Monday, 2 October)
- Dmitri Pavlenkov (Monday, 2 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 2 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Monday, 2 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Monday, 2 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Monday, 2 October)
- Elliotte Rusty Harold (Monday, 2 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Monday, 2 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Monday, 2 October)
- Tantek Çelik (Sunday, 1 October)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 1 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Sunday, 1 October)
- Håkon Wium Lie (Sunday, 1 October)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 1 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Sunday, 1 October)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 1 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Sunday, 1 October)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 1 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Sunday, 1 October)
Entities in XML (Re: New version of the Selectors module of CSS3)
Font bug in IE 5.5
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 15 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Sunday, 15 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Sunday, 15 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Sunday, 15 October)
- Jan Roland Eriksson (Friday, 13 October)
- Tantek Celik (Friday, 13 October)
- Robin Berjon (Friday, 13 October)
- pdf@bizfon.com (Friday, 13 October)
- Rowland Shaw (Friday, 13 October)
- pdf@bizfon.com (Friday, 13 October)
- Rowland Shaw (Friday, 13 October)
- Clover Andrew (Friday, 13 October)
- pdf@bizfon.com (Thursday, 12 October)
Horizontal Alignment Inheritance
HTTP (was Re: caching css documents)
I would love...
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 16 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Monday, 16 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 16 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Monday, 16 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Monday, 16 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 16 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Monday, 16 October)
- Ian Brockbank (Monday, 16 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 16 October)
- Batsis Manolis (Monday, 16 October)
- Clover Andrew (Monday, 16 October)
- Batsis Manolis (Sunday, 15 October)
- Andy (Saturday, 14 October)
- Batsis Manolis (Friday, 13 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Friday, 13 October)
- Rowland Shaw (Friday, 13 October)
- Batsis Manolis (Friday, 13 October)
Ideas for the ACSS module of CSS3
- Sean Palmer (Tuesday, 17 October)
- fantasai (Monday, 16 October)
- Sean Palmer (Monday, 16 October)
- fantasai (Monday, 16 October)
- Sean Palmer (Monday, 16 October)
- fantasai (Monday, 16 October)
- Sean Palmer (Sunday, 15 October)
- Sean Palmer (Sunday, 15 October)
- Sean Palmer (Sunday, 15 October)
- Tim Bagot (Sunday, 15 October)
- Robin Berjon (Sunday, 15 October)
- fantasai (Sunday, 15 October)
- Sean Palmer (Saturday, 14 October)
- Tim Bagot (Saturday, 14 October)
- Sean Palmer (Saturday, 14 October)
- Sean Palmer (Saturday, 14 October)
- Tim Bagot (Saturday, 14 October)
- Sean Palmer (Saturday, 14 October)
- Sean Palmer (Saturday, 14 October)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 14 October)
- Sean Palmer (Saturday, 14 October)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 14 October)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 14 October)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 14 October)
- Robin Berjon (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
- Robin Berjon (Friday, 13 October)
- Robin Berjon (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
- Robin Berjon (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 13 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
- Simon St.Laurent (Friday, 13 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 13 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 13 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Friday, 13 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 13 October)
- Sean Palmer (Friday, 13 October)
it's been real :)
Just say no to HTML in email (was Copy of SAC 1.0 Java implementation required)
local copies of www.w3.org/tr/wd-xsl
Mailing list request
Media types vs. conformance/performance?
Mobile CSS
ms ie 5 font size and dpi setting
Need for a parseable a CSS 1 list
Netscape 4's Parsing Problems
New Formal Draft for ACSS Module Ideas
New HTML+CSS editor for Linux
New version of the Selectors module of CSS3
- Bert Bos (Monday, 9 October)
- Jonas Sicking (Sunday, 8 October)
- Jonas Sicking (Sunday, 8 October)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 7 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Saturday, 7 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Friday, 6 October)
- Ian Brockbank (Friday, 6 October)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 6 October)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 October)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 6 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Thursday, 5 October)
New working draft: CSS mobile profile
O dear
Old version of CSS3 selectors
percent heights within shrinkwrap (auto height)
Problem using XML Code embedded in an HTML file.
Recent e-mails from Matthew Brealey
SAC: getParserVersion()
selector negation (was Re: New version of the Selectors module of CSS3)
selector negation (was Re: New version of the Selectors moduleof CSS3)
selector negation (was Re: New version of the Selectors moduleofCSS3)
selector negation (was: Re: New version of the Selectors module of CSS3)
- Chris Ridd (Tuesday, 10 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Tuesday, 10 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Tuesday, 10 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Tuesday, 10 October)
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 October)
- Jonas Sicking (Monday, 9 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Monday, 9 October)
- Jonas Sicking (Sunday, 8 October)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 8 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Sunday, 8 October)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 7 October)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Saturday, 7 October)
Selectors WD
Selectors WD: grammar
Shouldn't style be xml:style or xstyle:style ?
simulating <br>
- Batsis Manolis (Thursday, 26 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Thursday, 26 October)
- Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Vincent Lefevre (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Vincent Lefevre (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 25 October)
- pdf@bizfon.com (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Vincent Lefevre (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Vincent Lefevre (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Vincent Lefevre (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Vincent Lefevre (Wednesday, 25 October)
- fantasai (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Todd Fahrner (Tuesday, 24 October)
- L. David Baron (Tuesday, 24 October)
- fantasai (Tuesday, 24 October)
Sorry (was Mobile CSS)
style/flash problem.
- simon (Friday, 13 October)
Vertical writing mode
WD-css-style-attr: XHTML's "style" attribute
Wrapping up the ACSS Module Ideas
- Sean B. Palmer (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Sean Palmer (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Sean Palmer (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Sean Palmer (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Matthew Brealey (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Sean Palmer (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Sean Palmer (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Daniel Glazman (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 17 October)
- Sean Palmer (Tuesday, 17 October)
XLink and CSS3
XSL-FO tutorial now online
Last message date: Monday, 30 October 2000 11:50:23 UTC