Re: Default XSL stylesheet for XHTML documents

Daniel Glazman wrote:
> XSL FOs will hardly appear in any good-quality browser.

Very true. Implementing it is a massive waste of effort - analogous to
building in a TeX formatting engine in a browser. It should only be added
when the browser is perfect - doesn\'t hang the system, has a perfect UI,
and most importantly ALREADY SUPPORTS CSS PERFECTLY, because that\'s an
appropriate (i.e. simple, efficient, and easily coded) web technology, 
whereas neither (say) TeX nor XSL FOs are.

Even then it shouldn\'t be implemented - apps are far to bloated with worthless
features already, which only serve to use up memory, and create potential
system-hanging holes.

Received on Monday, 2 October 2000 09:42:13 UTC