simulating <br>

On 2000-02-26 at 16:49:05 -0500 (EST), Matthew Brealey wrote in "Re: Setting
the height of a BR element using CSS" <>:

 | David Baron wrote:
 | > although it is unlikely to do so in any current browsers.  One interesting
 | > question is whether it should influence the line box only on the line ended
 | > by the BR element, or on the next line as well.
 | Yes. I have pointed out the problems of treating <br> as a normal
 | element (namely confusing distortion of line box heights, disruption of
 | line box height calculations, the issue of whether it should be treated
 | as BR:before {content: \A} or BR:after, which lead to different
 | results, the artificial nature of trying to pigeonhole it into a CSS
 | concept, the fact that there is no need to allow the full range of CSS
 | properties on it, and above all the overwhelming sense that a forced
 | line break should not be any different from the natural one, etc.).

This seems to work:
<p>This is the beginning of a paragraph which has
<span style="display: block; height: 0"></span>
a break and finishes off after the interruption.</p>

I must be missing some fundamental flaw. It's too easy.
I think I came up with one six months ago, but I don't recall what it was...

Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2000 16:53:54 UTC