percent heights within shrinkwrap (auto height)

Given the following snippet within a table cell:

<div style="height: 50%">
Some content

>> What happens? <<

There are several scenerios possible:
With the height explicitly specified on the containing cell:
    <td height=190>
      <div style="height: 50%">
  Which would make 50% = 95px. This is defined in CSS; the others are, to the
  best of my knowledge, not.
With the height specified on another cell in the row:
    <td height=190>
      content (which may cause the height to be greater than 190px)
      <div style="height: 50%">
And without any height defined in the row at all:
      <div style="height: 50%">

IE5 renders the second one in what is, IMO, a most intuitive way; it uses
the height it /can/ calculate (from the other cell) as the basis for 100%

Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2000 21:51:06 UTC