Re: I would love...

At this moment (edge effects is what i want it for
too) the only choice is to have nested tables, making
rendering slow (at least when using % as size... i
liked the proposed repeat-top and repeat-left but is
there anything for multiple background images coming

Kindest regards,
Manos Batsis,
Web Developer

--- Andy <> wrote:
> Batsis Manolis wrote:
> > I would like to have the
> > power to give a starting point and then have the
> image
> > repeat itself from right to left or from bottom to
> > top. 
> Yes. The problem with repeat-x and repeat-y as they
> stand is that when
> you specify both,
> you effectively get "tile" which may or may not be
> what you meant.
> I'd like this stuff so I could do edge effects in
> css by doing something like
> .edge {
> 	background-image: url("edge.png");
> 	background-repeat: repeat-left repeat-up;
> 	background-position: bottom right;
> }
> Of course, that would then raise the possibility
> that the pattern would
> look wrong at the corner...
> or maybe simply that one wants to do corner stamps,
> e.g. to get the
> infamous rounded corner effect.
> Is there any way to place a background image at each
> of the 4 corners of
> an element at the moment...
> or more to the point, support for more than one
> background image
> positioned within a single element.
> Seems we're missing a class of fairly common effects
> if not.
> AndyT

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Received on Sunday, 15 October 2000 12:58:26 UTC