from November 2011 by subject

2 resolutions, please vote == Re: FORMAL WebID Teleconf, Monday 21 November 2011 -- 15:00UTC

[foaf-protocols] cert:fingerprint ?

[foaf-protocols] CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL 1.002

[foaf-protocols] Fediz IDP proposed for incubation at Apache

[foaf-protocols] HTTP request header field for acceptable authentication methods

[foaf-protocols] new sequence diagram

[foaf-protocols] Terminology

[foaf-protocols] using windows to mint web id credentials,

[http-auth] Fwd: [TLS] HTTPS client-certificate-authentication in browsers,

[OT] How secure is HTTPS today?

Another use case for DANE

Apache configuration

ask and you shall be redirected

cert ontology updated

cert:fingerprint ?

cert:hex was Re: cert:int -> xsd:nonNegativeInteger

cert:int -> xsd:nonNegativeInteger

CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL 1.002

close ISSUE-40: A glossary of the preferred terms used for talking about the WebId architecture

closed 9 issues

Dec 12th/13th TERENA euroCAMP in Utrecht

different publish RDF in section 2.4.2

dotnet implementation webid validation agent (doesnt work, yet)

excellent diagram in spec

Fediz IDP proposed for incubation at Apache converted - an example without SPARQL

FORMAL WebID Teleconf, Monday 21 November 2011 -- 15:00UTC

FORMAL WebID Teleconf, Monday 28 November 2011 -- 15:00UTC

Fwd: Web Cryptography Working Group Charter

henry and code

how dirty can the HTML be, and still be RDFa?

HTTP request header field for acceptable authentication methods

implementations -was: new WebID spec published

implementors first impression notes on the spec

Important Read on Internet Freedoms in the USA

include privat ekeys Re: rsa ontology in cert namespace

ISSUE-33: Add a reference to the X.509 spec in the references sections

Limit public keys and SAN entries? (was Re: Updated IdP to new spec.)

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.. as WebID IdPs

long term webid of peter, contrary to rumour

Monday 14 November, Weekly meeting

new sequence diagram

new spec in bblfish branch of mercurial repository

new WebID spec published

Normative vs Informative

replaced cert:int with xsd:int

rsa ontology (in cert namespace?)

rsa ontology in cert namespace

Securing the Next Generation of Web Apps - talk

serialisation formats - Re: comments to references

spec is good

struggling with ASK


test suite

test suite - does earl need a notion of a cause?

Test Suite - Was: WebID enabled PoolParty - was: ISSUE-40: A glossary of the preferred terms used for talking about the WebId architecture

Test suites added to mercurial

TLS renegotiation in Java bug


Updated IdP to new spec.

updated spec with examples using new ontology

using windows to mint web id credentials,

Verifying the WebID Claim

VOTE CONCLUSION - was: 2 resolutions, please vote

WebID enabled PoolParty - was: ISSUE-40: A glossary of the preferred terms used for talking about the WebId architecture

WebID ISSUE 61 (xsd): xsd datatypes [ontologies]


WebID-ISSUE 66 (microdata): Microdata Support [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-61 (xsd): xsd datatypes [ontologies]

WebID-ISSUE-62 (certificate_authorities): null certificate_authorities list

WebID-ISSUE-63 (wikier): Explain on the wiki how to configure WebID on Apache Tomcat [WebID wiki]

WebID-ISSUE-64 (redirects): Redirects [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-65 (attack_scenarios): Add an Attack Scenarios section to the spec [WebID Spec]

WebID-ISSUE-66 (microdata): Microdata Support [WebID Spec]

xsd datattypes - was: Monday 14 November, Weekly meeting

xsd:hexBinary and xsd:base64Binary entailments

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 November 2011 22:39:39 UTC