Re: long term webid of peter, contrary to rumour

On 11/14/11 5:16 PM, Henry Story wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2011, at 23:07, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Henry,
>>> yes, that's silly. We need to convince them to integrate WebIDs in 
>>> the platform. I am not sure why we don't have them interested in 
>>> doing that.
>> And this is the problem we have, the folks behind products like 
>> WordPress have not interest in anything associated with the letters 
>> R-D-F. This is the conundrum. They will not be convinced.
> They will if you put some heat on them and show you can do better.

No, that's where we disagree. You can't put heat on them on the basis of 
being or doing better per se. What you can do is make opportunity costs 
palpable via solutions to real problems. RDF is an implementation 
details associated with an optional family of syntaxes for crafting 
directed graphs. The value lies in the use of directed graphs as 
mechanism for structured data representation. Linked Data is the end 
product of crafting directed graphs that leverage de-referencable URIs. 
None of that is exclusive to RDF or any other mechanism for directed 
graph based data representation. This is why we really don't need to 
inextricably bind WebID to RDF which ultimately takes down a path of 
politics and confusion. The real power lies in Linked Data.

> After all it's not that much work to do it right. But for the moment 
> our demos are not having them shiver in their boots.
It's about solutions that make opportunity costs palpable. Then low 
barriers of entry since we actually want everyone to come on board etc.
>>>>> I have not got yet to the point where I can refer to it, as it 
>>>>> doesnt exist yet. Common or garden web2.0 culture wont LET me 
>>>>> publish data. Its not a matter of idealism, yet; it just doesnt 
>>>>> work with the web that (consumer) folks have to work with.
>>>>> Now, im hoping someone knows a magic switch in the wordpress-cloud 
>>>>> tenant config - that enables a wordpress site to publish a little 
>>>>> graph.
>>>> Peter,
>>>> The magic switch doesn't exist.
>>> Well you could use You can publish all the rdf you like there.
>> See my earlier comment. Letters R-D-F isn't the answer :-)
> Agree. Good demos are.  Peter could make himself a WebID on

But Peter is saying: I want a commodity solution. One that lets people 
declare and rescind claims with the same degree of alacrity associate 
with posting a Tweet or making a Blog Post.

> If he is frightened of learning RDF. Or perhaps he could use Virtuso? 
> Why does he not use Virtuoso?

Virtuoso is not the issue here for Peter. He just wants to work the 
burgeoning Web of Linked Data. He see the potential but also worries 
about barriers to mass adoption. He shouldn't need to incur an RDF tax 
just because he wants to exploit WebID which is a nifty Linked Data 
driven solution for verifiable claims based identity.


> Henry
> Social Web Architect



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 01:21:47 UTC