Re: close ISSUE-40: A glossary of the preferred terms used for talking about the WebId architecture

Hi Jürgen, 

	thanks for all the good work here.   I have added you to the team, which is what really counts

I'll respond to the PoolParty piece in the next mail.

On 2 Nov 2011, at 11:38, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:

> hi team#we, henry
> i have put together some answers and suggestions which you find below.
> henry :
> To report back in a couple of weeks. You don't seem to be an official member of the XG - if you want just ask for it - so I put it down as an action for me. But I can add you to the team for sure. Just send me your webid.
> JJ :
> i'd really like to become an official member of the XG on behalf of our company (for contact information see my mail-signature at the very bottom)

I think you need to go through the lightweight process described on the Incubator home page.

But being part of the foaf team is what really counts. 

> it also would be nice if you added me to the team#we (webID :

Looks like you are naming yourself after your document. Would it perhaps be better to avoid later confusions to give yourself
a name such as the above URL followed by #me ?

Received on Monday, 7 November 2011 17:00:20 UTC