Re: Normative vs Informative

On 27.11.2011 03:14, Henry Story wrote:
> Great idea. Let's start with a wiki.
> Open one page: Formats, and have it point to an example page in every other format
> you can think of - so that each format can get the attention it deserves.
> Here I wrote up the initial page:
OK, but first I think we should discuss in mail list. For example I 
disagree that json-ld is important now to WebID. I'm very big fun of 
JSON-LD, but now it's community draft and we have RDF/JSON draft [1] 
from RDF WG.
So wiki isn't good way to do it, because quickly turns out that we have 
hundreds of formats in wiki.



Received on Sunday, 27 November 2011 11:47:07 UTC