Re: Normative vs Informative

On 27 Nov 2011, at 21:01, Mo McRoberts wrote:

> On 27 Nov 2011, at 18:37, Peter Williams wrote:
>> I dont have any strong technical opinion. I do have a rational, though.
>> What I like about the RDFa of today is that it works with the actual web.
> *works* is a tricky beast. It worked with the particular tools you used — but you were, in effect, lucky. RDFa + tag soup is a huge undefined mess right now.

I think that can be solved  by validators: if it passes the validators then it's ok. That should be what people use to see if what they write is what they mean. I used this one to test Peter's page

> I’m not opposed to RDFa, or microdata, or microformats for serialising the WebID graphs — but specs have to be solid enough that consuming applications will behave consistently when they encounter them, especially if the scenarios are (as you've tried) sprinkling attributes into somebody else’s markup. A WebID spec which says you can use RDFa but very few people being able to (through circumstance) use RDFa to *its* spec means that WebID consumers will be spotty, at best, and the whole tech will end up being branded unreliable — I don’t particularly want to see that happen.

Yes, at least at this level RDFa and I think microdata are better than micro formats, because they have testable ways to allow one to tell if they are compliant. 

In the end though we don't really want people to do any RDF writing by hand. It would be no effort for any of these web sites to allow people to create WebID certs and publish the RDF for them. At that level it will just be a point and click exercise for the user as we showed in a number of videos before. The copy and paste mechanism is a intermediate solution to allow people to get a taste of how things work.

I'll be building an interface to do this again next.


> M.
> -- 
> Mo McRoberts - Technical Lead - The Space,
> 0141 422 6036 (Internal: 01-26036) - PGP key CEBCF03E,
> Project Office: Room 7083, BBC Television Centre, London W12 7RJ

Social Web Architect

Received on Sunday, 27 November 2011 23:09:39 UTC