On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Dominik Tomaszuk <ddooss@wp.pl> wrote:
> On 22.11.2011 17:51, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
>> <dd property="modulus" datatype="xsd:hexBinary">
>> 00cb24ed85d64d79...
>> </dd>
> Or overwrite in @content and display more readable modulas.
Yes. I've suggested this approach during the call on Monday as well, but we
thought that this would overload the markup and would not reuse the DRY
approach of RDFa. Henry/Bergi suggested javascript could be used to make
the raw modula look better for humans. Matter of preference I guess.
> <dd property="modulus" datatype="xsd:hexBinary"
> content="00cb24ed85d64d79...">
> 00-cb-24-ed-85-d6-4d-79...
> </dd>
> Domel