Re: implementors first impression notes on the spec

On 11/18/11 6:25 AM, Henry Story wrote:
>> The term REST does not appear, and RESTfull web applications are not 
>> specifically included or excluded.
> REST is implied by the method of dereferencing the URIs. That is 
> pretty much all that is needed.

+ content negotiation + caching  all centered on URI in SAN.

Orthogonally, I still encourage you to look to Linked Data graph as the 
key foundation where you currently refer to RDF. RDF as moniker for an 
EAV model + URIs is eternally problematic. Less so when RDF is 
positioned as a family of syntaxes and serialization formats for Linked 
Data graphs.

As you are already doing re. client-server, lets build bridges to broad 
audiences via terminology choices. EAV is the model, URIs the data 
identity and access mechanism, and triples (3-tuples) for data 

JSON-LD eventually got to this point. I also think we can do the same 
re. WebID. There is a clumsy overreach aspect to the letters R-D-F 
that's low hanging fruit for political FUD and bootstrap inertia. We 
don't want inertia since we collectively want WebIDs to go viral.



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Friday, 18 November 2011 15:17:04 UTC