rsa ontology in cert namespace

If we move the rsa ontology to cert namespace we may need to add rsa prefixes, to distinguish an rsa parameter from a dsa or other parameter -- but perhaps we don't have to - I suppose this would be a good reason to have a DSA ontology, just to see if there are clashes. In any case here is what this would give the following 

:me cert:key [ cert:rsaModulus "AE293423F23..."^^xsd:hexBinary;
               cert:rsaExponent 65537 ] .

Btw on why rsa exponents sizes see

Now I think that means that private exponents will also be very big, and so possibly preferably encoded in hex format. But that is less of an issue for us.

Below for the initial proposed ontology.


:rsaExponent a owl:DatatypeProperty;
   rdfs:label "RSA key public exponent"@en;
   vs:term_status "unstable";
   rdfs:comment """
       The exponent used to encrypt the message. Number chosen between
       1 and the totient(p*q). Often named 'e' .
   rdfs:domain :RSAPublicKey;
   rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:rsaPrivateExponent a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "private"@en;
    vs:term_status "unstable";
    rdfs:comment """
       The exponent used to decrypt the message
       calculated as 
          public_exponent*private_exponent = 1 modulo totient(p*q)
       The private exponent is often named 'd'
   skos:note "should the range be nonNegative?";
   rdfs:domain :RSAPrivateKey;
   rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:rsaModulus a owl:DatatypeProperty;
   rdfs:label "RSA modulus"@en;
   vs:term_status "unstable";
   rdfs:comment """    
   The modulus of an RSA public and private key. 
   This is defined as n = p*q
   The modulus is usually a very long integer which is most often displayed in crypto graphy tools in hexadecimal format.
   The object of this relation is therefore a binary encoded in hexadecimal form. To extract the modulus ...
   rdfs:domain :RSAKey;
   rdfs:range xsd:hexBinary .

:RSAKey a owl:Class;
    rdfs:label "RSA Key"@en;
    rdfs:subClassOf :Key;
    vs:term_status "unstable";
    rdfs:comment """
    The union of the public and private components of an RSAKey.
:RSAPublicKey a owl:Class;
    rdfs:label "RSA Public Key"@en;
    rdfs:subClassOf cert:PublicKey, :RSAKey;
    vs:term_status "unstable";
    rdfs:seeAlso <>;
    rdfs:comment """
    The RSA public key.  Padded message m are encrypted by applying the function
    """@en .

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 17:59:16 UTC