Re: struggling with ASK

On 29 Nov 2011, at 04:48, Peter Williams wrote:

> I've written up my (novice) programmer issues with the ASK statement from the spec. Unlike the select I used to apply, now the sparql engine Im using is very much more in charge of the matching.

> in short, some gotcha is making it fail. Someone with a higher degree in triple querying can hopefully spot the obvious issue.

2 issues:

1. You have got spaces in your numbers. xsd:hexBinary does not allow those (it is not as flexible as cert:hex in that respect - but is supported by standards,...)
2. you have not defined the XSD namespace, which *I think* needs to be defined, though it would be nice if one did not.

> Im tempted to walk the graph instead of using ASK (walking as I saw the webidauth code walk). But, thats not what the spec counsels. Im trying to do what the spec actually says (so one can tests its viability, once put in the hands of novices). If there are some gotchas, these can be noted in endnotes (to maximise uptake, minimizing known grief).

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2011 09:42:44 UTC