Re: different publish RDF in section 2.4.2

On 23 Nov 2011, at 12:00, Dominik Tomaszuk wrote:

> 2) I think we should also provide embeded Turtle. Now in Turtle draft it is possible to do it in <script> element [1]:

Perhaps if this becomes widely accepted. But I don't really like that. I am not sure how this improves over what we had when people tried adding rdf/xml into the html.

 It seems to be clashing with the rdfa philosophy.

And it is making things complicated: parsers would not have to look at script tags ... And RDF is declarative data, not a script.

> <script type="text/turtle">
> @prefix : <> .
> @prefix xsd: <> .
> @prefix foaf: <> .
> @prefix bob: <https://bob.example/profile#> .
> bob:me a foaf:Person;
>  foaf:name "Joe";
>  :key [ a :RSAPublicKey;
>    :modulus "00cb24ed85d64..."^^xsd:hexBinary;
>    :exponent 65537 ;
>    ] .
> </script>
> or
> <script type="text/turtle" src="profile.ttl"></script>

Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 14:43:07 UTC