Re: include privat ekeys Re: rsa ontology in cert namespace

On 25 Nov 2011, at 09:47, Mischa Tuffield wrote:

> Comments inline :
> -Mischa's phone
> On Nov 23, 2011, at 7:00 PM, Mo McRoberts <> wrote:
>> On 23 Nov 2011, at 18:42, Peter Williams wrote:
>>> Stop calling a "cert" ontology too, since it precious little to do with certificates - as anyone understands the term. The bindings are not signed, and in RDF land show no sign of being signed in the next decade. 
>> +1
>> People have enough trouble understanding the difference between certificates and keys as it is.
>> (RDF signing is nontrivial, because ideally you want to sign the graph, not the specific serialisation; in order to sign, you need consistent ordering of triples, and the only way you can order triples with bnodes as the subject is by their content… arriving at a consistent a graph consisting solely of bnodes isn't entirely straightforward, particularly if there are any referencing 'loops').
> The signing of a given RDF document (g-text) makes perfect sense to me, especially when the use case is signing some triples and sending/receiving them across the wire. Or am I missing something? I recon that XML signing is both widely supported and established in the community. Saying that I agree that rdfxml is not the most elegant serialisation...

For a given graph containing bnodes, having two people independently arrive at a consistent signable serialisation is not straightforward.

> The current RDF WG have talked about and are working on a method to skolemise bnodes [1]. This should allow for triples to be sorted and signed in a straightforward manner. HEAD of the 4store repo supports this fwiw.

Yes, but two separate instances of 4store won't arrive at the same URIs for the same triples, will they?

(Last I heard, XML signing was having… issues, but I might have misheard)


Mo McRoberts - Technical Lead - The Space,
0141 422 6036 (Internal: 01-26036) - PGP key CEBCF03E,
Project Office: Room 7083, BBC Television Centre, London W12 7RJ

Received on Friday, 25 November 2011 10:07:03 UTC