Re: include privat ekeys Re: rsa ontology in cert namespace

On 23 Nov 2011, at 19:05, Henry Story wrote:

> On 23 Nov 2011, at 20:00, Mo McRoberts wrote:
>> On 23 Nov 2011, at 18:42, Peter Williams wrote:
>>> Stop calling a "cert" ontology too, since it precious little to do with certificates - as anyone understands the term. The bindings are not signed, and in RDF land show no sign of being signed in the next decade. 
>> +1
>> People have enough trouble understanding the difference between certificates and keys as it is.
> Mh it's a cert ontology because 
> - we will be able to use it to describe certificates.

Okay… is the plan to, over time, add the properties and classes which allow description of an entire certificate?

_:cert a cert:Certificate ;
    cert:subject ",C=GB"^^cert:DistinguishedName ;
    cert:issuer "CN=Joe Bloggs,O=Widgets PTY,C=AU"^^cert:DistinguishedName ;
    cert:notBefore "2010-01-05T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    cert:notAfter "2012-01-04T23:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    cert:subjectKey _:key ;
    cert:extension _:basicConstraints ;
    cert:extension _:subjectAltName .

_:key a cert:rsaPublicKey ;
    ... .

_:basicConstraints a cert:Extension ;
    cert:extension <oid:> ;
    ext:CA "false"^^xsd:boolean .

_:subjectAltName a cert:Extension ;
    cert:extension <oid:> ;
    ext:URI <> ;
    ext:IP "" .


[I won't get into the thorny issue of comparison between RDF graphs and canonical DER form, comparing signatures, etc., etc...]


Mo McRoberts - Technical Lead - The Space,
0141 422 6036 (Internal: 01-26036) - PGP key CEBCF03E,
Project Office: Room 7083, BBC Television Centre, London W12 7RJ

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 19:32:17 UTC